Instructions for Reading Tarot Cards
An important step in reading the tarot cards is to create proper spreads. Tarot spread, in simple language, is the way you layout the cards. There are several ways the cards can be spread out on the table to prepare for the reading.
Each tarot spread has its own configuration, or lay out.
Some spreads are quite simple and they require just three cards. There are others that are much more complicated. Whatever way you lay them out there are certain general instructions, which should be followed every time you make a reading.
- The cards should be shuffled by the person for whom the reading is being carried out. This will enable the flow of his energy into the cards and charge them. This, in turn, will facilitate an accurate reading.
- Ask the person who requires reading to concentrate on one question at a time. Asking more than one question in one go may diffuse the energy.
- The tarot card reader should lay out the cards according to the traditional configuration before starting the reading.
- Different questions require different spreads. For example, the Three-card spread is more useful and easy for questions that can be answered only in yes or no.
- The first card may deal with the past issues that have caused your present dilemma. The second card symbolizes the path you are treading now and the third card offers insight into the possible future outcome. You can get clearer readings if you concentrate upon the deeper meanings in context of the questions.
Then there is the seven-card spread. This spread is similar to the three-card spread. The layout looks at the past and the present situation. The reader predicts the future on the basis of his interpretation of the past as well as the present. The seven-card spread allows the reader to consider the issues in greater depth due to the number of extra cards used.
Besides this there are lovers spreads, daily lessons spreads, wish spread, horoscope spread and so on. You become more and more innovative as you gain more experience and evolve your own instinct and insight.
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